My poor computer passed-out last Friday night...*sigh* I've gone an entire week now without it, and I sure do miss designing!! I had just finished a new kit, and was working on the previews for it when both IE and FireFox locked up on me. I had to turn off the computer the "bad way" (pushing the button) to get it to shut down, and after that, it wouldn't start back up...there is some unknown hard disk error, but fortunately Tim has figured out it is my C drive, and not my D drive (where all of my creations are saved). The poor guy has been sick with the killer head cold I had a few weeks ago, so he hasn't felt up to working on it much. I would have come upstairs to his computer sooner, but I hurt my foot on Saturday, and going up and down the stairs was pretty painful, up until now.
So, anyhoo...I'm hoping I'll be back sometime next week :) Thanks for all of the sweet comments!!! (((HUGS))) :)