Thursday, February 22, 2007

Flip Side :)

I posted a new paper pack today...this one is nice'n'grungy ;)

Flip Side Paper Pack

I also went ahead and separated my Twisted kit into pieces...that's the way I do it at TDC, and want to do that at ES too...I just STINK at fitting all of my papers and elements into ONE preview!!! :P

Twisted - Just the Papers!

Twisted - Just the Elements!

We had a great family night, tonight :) We ate a yummy dinner, and then played "Picture It". "Picture It" is a cheapo game that I got from the Dollar Spot at's pretty much like "Pictionary"... Anyhoo...I've got to write this down so I don't forget it!! It was Josh's turn to draw, and he didn't know what the word meant, but kept drawing cattle. We finally were saying the word 'herd' and he kept telling us it was 'herd' plus something else...we just couldn't get it, and he drew more cattle and a man on a horse. Finally, we gave up and he said "Yeah, the word is 'hurdle'..."!! We all started cracking up laughing at that one...we were trying to guess for a few minutes, and it was just too funny that he lead us down the wrong path!! LOL Ya had to be there :P

Alrighty, I'm going to skidaddle off to bed!! I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday :)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Time for my big announcement...

I'm now selling at Elemental Scraps!!! I have my first kit uploaded in the shop, and it will be 30% off through Sunday, Feb. 25th :) I present to you...TWISTED...

Twisted at ES - 30% off! :)

Monday, February 19, 2007

Some exciting things...heehee! :)

I've got quite a bit going on, right now...and all of it is GOOD :) First off, starting tomorrow (Feb. 20th - Feb. 26th) my Frolicking kit is being featured at DiScTalk Radio!!!!! In honor of this *special* event, all three pieces of the Frolicking kit will be on sale for 40% off :) You can click on the pictures below to get to the individual products...the sale begins on Feb. 20th, and will run through Feb. 26th:

Frolicking Paper Pack - 40% off! Frolicking Element Pack - 40% off! Frolicking Alpha Pack - 40% off!

Secondly, the loverly Christine Smith, and I, have done a collaboration kit together!! I really do not enjoy making elements, but she does, so I did the papers and she cranked out the elements to match! It was a GREAT pleasure working with her...she's such a sweetie :) Our kit is called Delightfully Diverse, and it will be hitting TheDigiChick's store, this Thursday! Oh, and it will be 20% off for Thursday only ;) Here's a peek for you:

Delightfully Diverse - coming Feb. 22nd

Thirdly, I have one more happy tidbit of news to share, but it will have to wait until tomorrow...I've been sworn to secrecy!! ;)

Oh!! Chloe said "Uh-Oh" for the first time today!! She said it SO was adorable :) She also got up on her knees to crawl for a little bit...she usually does the army crawl, so this was pretty cool ;)

Alrighty, well, I must skidaddle off to bed!! The kids are heading back to school, tomorrow, after being off for five days straight! They had a snow day on Thursday (even though there wasn't really much snow), Friday was a sick day, and today was a fun :) G'night! :D

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Last November

Happy Saturday!! I'm SO glad the weekend is was nice not having to get up at 6am! Although, I did have to get up a few times to give Chloe her binky ;)

Josh lost one of his final baby teeth, Thursday night!! He only has three left now :( He and Abigail have grown up so quickly...*sigh* His friends came over to play, last night, and had a great time running around in the freezing cold, with their air pellet b-b guns (I'm not sure how you would spell b-b! lol). They are going to come back over, today, so this house will be pretty loud in just a little while! ;)

Anyhoo...there's a new paper pack over in the TDC store, and I'm going to be re-releasing my Fiesta! paper pack (which was originally at Shabby Elements) along with a matching element pack :)

Last November Paper Pack

Friday, February 02, 2007


that's me!! Man...can you believe it is February already?!! *sigh* Chloe is doing the Army crawl now, and can also push herself up into sitting position! She turned 10 months on Jan. 29th :) I also noticed, last night, that her 4th bottom tooth is coming far there aren't any on the top. She needs to slow down and stop flying through babyhood so quickly!! :(

It finally snowed here today! The kids got to stay home from school, and ended up playing with the neighborhood boys, ouside in the snow, for a good hour or more. They then came in to play and WHEW-WEE!! Stinky, wet, boy socks...totally grodeeee!!! I went around and sprayed their feet with air freshner, but it still didn't work...LOL's been a pretty good day. Dianne and I had a little chat, and decided to go ahead and pull my stuff out of Shabby Elements...I rarely get to post anything over there, and really, Shabby Elements is HER baby, so now I'm down to one store...much easier to handle :) I'm going to rework some of those products and possibly release them over at TheDigiChick...some of the old stuff could be great, if it were just updated a bit!

So...I have a few new products in the store today! Of course, I never got around to posting the last round of products either, so this post will be kinda long :P Here we go...

Blushing Mini-Kit:
Blushing Mini-Kit

Blushing Mini-Kit : The Details

A Rendezvous Paper Pack:
A Redezvous Paper Pack

Titles & Journaling One Stamp Pack

And from last week at TDC...


Enchanting Papers

Enchanting Papers Details

Enchanting Elements

Enchanting Elements Details

And that's it! I'm going to scoot off and go update my family journal, which I've been neglecting too! *blush*