This month is just flying by! I figured I better get in here and update before I forget the things I want to remember...if that makes any sense...LOL
She's crawling all over the place, and is pulling herself up into standing position VERY easily now. She also learned how to sit back down without hurting herself...YAY! lol She
was doing the free-fall method to get back down to the floor...pretty scary to watch and painful for her! She's started saying "Thank you", "Here you go", "Ball", "Ma-Ma" or "Mommy", but she still calls us all "Da" or "Da-Da" from time to time. She's also tried saying "Josh" and "Abby" too :) She has a stuffed flamingo that Abby is letting her use, and she's learned that it is a flamingo, but just can't say the word yet. I asked her where her flamingo was, earlier today, and she turned around and got it right away :)
Changing her diaper has become a BIG project, lately...she's always twisting her body around and trying to crawl away from me! She's not nearly as patient as she used to be, and get SO upset and throws herself backwards doing that scary jerking motion, when you tell her "no" or take something from her. I know it's pretty typical at this age, but wow...she does get really dramatic, sometimes!
Tim and I had our 12 year anniversary on April 4th :) He took the day off from work, my friend Diane watched Chloe for us, and we spent the morning and early afternoon driving around in his little was a BLAST!! I wish we could do that weekly ;)
Abigail and Joshua went to get their eyes checked, this last Monday, and they both need glasses. Abigail actually got her's on Wednesday, but Joshua's haven't come in yet. They are sooooo cute in glasses...and they are very excited about wearing them, which is a BIG relief for Tim and me :)
There is another Mayor's Art Show coming up on April 26th, and Abigail will be in it again! We are planning on getting there ON TIME, this time...last time we were a bit late and missed quite a bit of the ceremony :(
I have a new kit coming out, this coming Thursday!! Heather Roselli and I did a collaboration, and I'm SO excited about it...I did the papers and bless her heart, she did ALL of the elements! I'll post a preview once it hits the store ;) I also have another collaboration kit in the works with Digital Couture from Elemental Scraps! She's an element DIVA, and I'm SO looking forward to seeing how our styles will mesh...she's pretty funky, so I think it will be awesome :)
I think that's about it, for now...I'm probably forgetting some stuff though...silly mushy brain :(