LOL I just realized that my last three posts all had the word "Ugh" in the title!! Too funny :p
Sorry the blog looks all previous layout messed up, somehow, and my blog wasn't showing up at all, so I had to do the change over to the updated template...I am NOT happy with this...grrrr :( I'm thinking about moving back to my Word Press blog...I really don't enjoy blogging much anymore, so I don't know...we'll see.
The kids are back in school now, and they have just completed their first month in their new school :) They are really enjoying it, and we are very pleased with the school and teachers, so far!
Chloe is ALL over the place, as usual ;) She is so hilarious...
I don't have much by way of updates...I can't think of anything new that is going on, at the moment, so I guess I'll end this post here :) lol