Saturday, August 04, 2007

Ugh...I'm now 32... :p

The sale is now over...thanks to everyone who participated in it!! :)

My ES store

My TDC store

Friday, August 03, 2007


*le sigh*...I can't believe I am turning 32 tomorrow...I swear I am still 16-18 in my brain!!! LOL So crazy :(

Sorry...just had to vent... :p

My sweet Dianne sent me a gorgeous bracelet!!!! I was SO surprised because I haven't really been thinking much about my birthday, until today. I'm kind of trying to forget it so I can say...oops...I forgot...I thought I was still 31! LOL

You know what? One really cool thing coming up with month has to do with will be the 6th year that we have known each other!!!! I met her back in August 2001, shortly after I broke my ankle :) She kept me company through email and forums while I was stuck on the couch for 9 months, and I got to be one of the first to hear that she was pregnant with her third child!! It was so much fun...I just LOVE that gal :) <3

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Ugh...I'm sleepy!!

Chloe woke me up around 6am...we've been hanging out here in the kitchen for the last hour or so. She's been enjoying drawing with a pen, lately, so I broke out the large Crayola crayons a little bit ago, and I when I opened them I said "Wowwwww", then she said in an amazed and whispy voice "Wooowwww" heehee ;) She does this whisper that is so cute...we've found that when she says "Josh" she likes to whisper it, and when she says "Abby" which is "Babby" to her, she likes to say it loud and clear! LOL

Time for more coffee...I am baby sitting today and will need all of the energy I can get! ;)