I also went ahead and separated my Twisted kit into pieces...that's the way I do it at TDC, and want to do that at ES too...I just STINK at fitting all of my papers and elements into ONE preview!!! :P

We had a great family night, tonight :) We ate a yummy dinner, and then played "Picture It". "Picture It" is a cheapo game that I got from the Dollar Spot at Target...it's pretty much like "Pictionary"... Anyhoo...I've got to write this down so I don't forget it!! It was Josh's turn to draw, and he didn't know what the word meant, but kept drawing cattle. We finally were saying the word 'herd' and he kept telling us it was 'herd' plus something else...we just couldn't get it, and he drew more cattle and a man on a horse. Finally, we gave up and he said "Yeah, the word is 'hurdle'..."!! We all started cracking up laughing at that one...we were trying to guess for a few minutes, and it was just too funny that he lead us down the wrong path!! LOL Ya had to be there :P
Alrighty, I'm going to skidaddle off to bed!! I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday :)